Please Excuse Our Progress

Friday, September 29, 2006

Please Excuse Our Progress isn't an entreaty. This is an entreaty: Please don't spend much effort thinking about how the authors effect progress. We probably won't do so ourselves. It's enough to try to point out progress when we see it!

If you do really wonder about the provenance of this blog, you might try conceptualizing it as a toy boat guided through a bathtub by a child's hand. Its path will seem capricious and whimsical, and it will be always subject to the condition that it float on a choppy and fairly concentrated solution of human filth.
What is progress?

Progress is building, progress is good and, most importantly, progress is inevitable.

Progress is your refrigerator, the gel caps on your aspirin, and FedEx.

Though some are opposed to progress, most are not. For those opposed, they will be proven wrong and their influence diminished by both historical processes and signs on highways.